Saturday, February 20, 2010

Health - Very Important Tips

Apply cell phone to THE LEFT ear.
Do not drink the coffee of more than 1 time in a 24 hour period.
Do not wash down tablet by cold water.
Do not assume food after 5 in the evening.
Minimally use fatty food.
Drink a little more waters in the morning and a little less in the evening.
You are not located near the chargers of cell phones.
Better time for the sleep - from 10 in the evening to 6 mornings.
Do not assume the immediately horizontal position before the sleep, if you saw medicine.
Do not use cell phone, if charging shows only one division, therefore
that in this case the intensity of radioactivity from the telephone is higher 1000 times.
Send this communication to the fact, who to you ROADS.

Health-improvement juices

carrot + ginger + apple - supports and cleans your immune system.

Apple + cucumber + celery - It prevents cancer, decreases cholesterol level, frees from the disorder of stomach and headache.

Tomato + carrot + apple - improves the color of the skin and is removed smell from the mouth.

Gor'kiy pepper + apple + milk - it prevents the appearance of smell from the mouth and reduces temperature.

... Drink water to the hungry stomach

Moreover, scientific tests confirmed this procedure. Instruction on this method is applied below. Procedure cures with 100% - oh by guarantee the following diseases:
headache, rheumatic pain in the joints, the disease of heart, arthritis, more frequent palpitation, epilepsy, obesity, bronchial asthma, meningitis, the disease of kidneys, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, haemorrhoid, diabetes, bolts, the disease of eyes, disease of womb, cancer and the disease of ear, throat, nose.
Method of treatment
1. After awakening to in the morning drink 4 containers of water on 160 ml (before cleaning of teeth)
2. To clean teeth, but not there is and not to drink during 45 minutes.
3. After 45 minutes it is possible to breakfast in the usual order.
4. After breakfast, dinner or supper anything not to drink and not there is for 2 hours.
5. For the elderly or sick people, who cannot at once drink 4 containers of water it is possible to begin from the smaller dose and gradually to increase to the recommended quantity.
6. The list applied below gives the recommended quantity of days for the basic diseases:
1. High pressure - 30 days
2. Gastritis - 10 days
3. Diabetes - 30 days
4. Bolts - 10 days
5. Cancer - 180 days
6. TB - 90 days
7. The patients with arthritis must follow this procedure of 3 days in the first week, and, beginning with the second, each day.
This procedure does not have side effects, however, at the beginning of treatment the number of urination it can increase.
It will be better, if you will continue this procedure, also, after treatment, and you will make by its standard of life.
Drink water, and remain healthy and active.
Important component. The Chinese and the Japanese drink hot tea during the food (but not cold water). Time came to adopt this habit in them. We only will win.
We explain for those, who love to drink precisely cold beverages during the food.
Cold water decreases the assimilation of food, since the products, which contain fats thicken.
In other words, fats in the diluted state more rapidly enter into reaction with oxygen and they are better mastered by bowels than, if you wash down food by cold beverages. Accordingly, fats are not put aside under the skin, and the probability of the occurrence of cancer is reduced dozens of times.

Orange + ginger + cucumber - improves color and humidity of the skin and is reduced temperature.

Pineapple + apple + watermelon - derives excess salts, feeds the bladder and kidneys.

Apple + the cucumber + of kiwis - improves color and humidity of the skin.

Pear and banana - the level of sugar in the blood is regulated.

Carrot + apple + the pear + of mango - increases internal than the heat- body, resistance to toxins, decreases blood pressure and it fights with the general oxidation of organism.

Grapes + watermelon + milk - vitamin [s] + vitamin B2 which increase cellular activity and increase the immunity of organism.

[Papayya] + pineapple + milk - vitamins C, E, iron. Improves the color of the skin and exchange of substances.

Banana + pineapple + milk - rich in vitamins with the nutrients, prevents bolts.

Serious observation apropos of the heart attacks: You must know that not all heart attacks are accompanied by pain in the left side of breast.
You be careful with the intensive pain in the upper or lower jaw.
Nausea and abundant perspiration are also the symptoms of this ailment.
60% of all people, which transferred this assault, experienced it in the sleep and they did not awake.
Chest pain can cause cry in the sleep in you, and you from this will awake. This is also the symptom of the moved problem. Do not ignore such signals of organism.
Cardiologists say that, if you send this letter to your familiar, then you will save life the minimum to one person.